this tenderness that makes me want to live

Mainly Latin American music that you should listen to while watching these images. From guaracha (a mix between reggaeton and electronica) to Chilean pop.

Some phrases in the songs were related to the images that constantly appeared while we were making Malqueridas.

Square Eyes - “Kinderwunsch: Children and desire”, 2013 - Ana Casas Broda
“Kinderwunsch: Children and desire”, 2013 - Ana Casas Broda
“And there is something in this tenderness that makes me want to live”.
— Firesmoke, Kae Tempest.
Square Eyes -
Square Eyes - “Madres e hijas”, 1995-1999 - Adriana Lestido
“Madres e hijas”, 1995-1999 - Adriana Lestido
“Cordillera dinos la verdad, es esta tierra un lugar que no nos quiere ni nos va dejar hablar, pensar, marchar, emborracharnos con el baile”.
"Mountain rage tell us the truth, is this land a place that does not want us, and will not let us talk, think, march, get drunk with the dance".
— Cordillera, Alex Anwandter.
Square Eyes - “Mujeres presas”, 1991-1993 - Adriana Lestido
“Mujeres presas”, 1991-1993 - Adriana Lestido
“Mujer morena, carita preciosa, mujer prisionera, suéltate las cadenas”.
“Brunette woman, beautiful face, woman prisoner, loosen your chains”.
— Corazón Astral // Astral Heart, Javiera Mena.
Square Eyes - “Mommy”, 2014 - Xavier Dolan
“Mommy”, 2014 - Xavier Dolan
Square Eyes - Tarachime, 2006 - Naomi Kawase
Tarachime, 2006 - Naomi Kawase
“Doing life while operating the camera. The action of taking the camera while giving birth to her first child constitutes a political determination. ”
Square Eyes - Random photos from Internet: “Hey Sis, come help me with this Selfie”.
Random photos from Internet: “Hey Sis, come help me with this Selfie”.
Square Eyes - Siberian Woman, 1909 - Vasily Surikov
Siberian Woman, 1909 - Vasily Surikov
“Ten piedad de mí, ten piedad. Nadie se la puede con la verdad.”
"Have mercy on me, have mercy. No one can with the truth."
— Salmo // Psalm, Bronko Yotte.