Koban Louzoù

a film by

France / 60' / 10/2022 / fiction

Audrey joins a participatory isolated workcamp where Kathleen, Laurence and Baptiste, volunteers from different backgrounds, live and work under the supervision of Aymeric. In a group marked by its disparity, each one tries to find one’s way around, to form bonds and to create a community.

Brieuc Schieb


Brieuc Schieb graduated from Paris Arts Déco. His work moves between films and installations. His projects are built around characters, environments or pre-existing materials. His first short fiction “La Tourbière” premiered at FID in 2019 and was screened in numerous festivals.


● Passage Secret – 2020 – 7’
● La Tourbière – 2019 – 26’
● Brigitte – 2017 – 19’

Square Eyes -


Director: Brieuc Schieb
Cinematographer: Marie Ward, Raphaël Guillet
Sound Design: Victoria Assas, Ryo Baldet
Editor: Charlotte Cherici
Cast: Audrey Carmes, neel, Laurence Sanchez, Baptiste Perusat, Virgil Vernier


  • FIFIB – Festival Int. du Film Indépendant de Bordeaux, France (12 – 17 October, 2022)
    Contrebande Competition
  • Entrevues Belfort, France (20 – 27 November, 2022)
    International Competition Won: Grand Prix André S. Labarthe – Best Short film
  • Berlin Critics’ Week, Germany (15 – 23 February, 2023)
    Official Selection


Press materials

Stills, poster & director’s photo: Click here

Dialogue list English: Click here

Trailer: Click here