Errol and Sasha, two somewhat disoriented characters in their twenties, are each aimlessly drifting through a city's gloomy winter days. Whilst casting a soft gaze on fragments of their everyday lives, people, stories, places and realities start to overlap and intertwine. bluish describes a fragile state of being, a condition or rather an atmosphere of ambiguity and longing.
a film by
“Kraxner and Czernovsky accommodate these varying sensitivities by resorting to different artistic forms and formats — performance, dance, VR film, songs, and even Google Earth imagery — that channel a wide range of sensory, social, and psychological experiences.”
“Kraxner and Czernovsky accommodate these varying sensitivities by resorting to different artistic forms and formats — performance, dance, VR film, songs, and even Google Earth imagery — that channel a wide range of sensory, social, and psychological experiences.”